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Archive for the ‘BC in DC’ Category

Article in Street Sense

Street Sense, a Washington, D.C.-based biweekly street newspaper, featured an article about BookCrossing and BCinDC in the April 27, 2011 issue. Check out the great article here: Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost

Gaithersburg Book Festival

You can expect some news, links, and photos from us regarding the convention and Kensington very soon. But until then, here’s a post about BCinDC’s upcoming table at the Gaithersburg Book Festival.

The Gaithersburg Book Festival is scheduled (rain or shine) for Saturday, May 21, 2011, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. BCinDC will have an official tent where we will be able to distribute FREE books to all festival-goers. This is the second year in a row that the city of Gaitherburg has kindly invited us to join their festivities. It was great fun last year, and we’re determined to make this year’s festival even better.

All Bookcrossers are invited to attend. Whoever wants to man the tent is free to do so. You are under no obligation to remain in the tent the whole time, as there is so much else to do at the Festival. We will just congregate in the tent and explain the fun of BookCrossing to visiting festival-goers. The admission price to the fair is… FREE!!!

Mark your calendars now! If you have any questions about the festival, feel free to contact SqueakyChu by PM.

Please visit this page: and report in with the number of books you’ve pre-released to the festival, so we can get a good count. You can also send books to SqueakyChu, but they must arrive by May 14 so she has time to organize and box them up for the festival.

Meetup: National Harbor

On Sunday, March 20, BCinDC members met up at Elevation Burger in National Harbor. We slowly took over one table, then two, three, and four as space opened up around us and our books got some room to spread out.

After lunch, some of us headed down to the waterfront to visit the Peeps store and the Awakening statue–even Bally joined in on the fun there.

BookCrossers in attendance were: authorauthor, crrcookie, Ixion, KateKintail, lilgrovers, LN569, mdm139, melydia, nat4lee, ResQgeek, Rock-Solid, theshaggyfreak, tiatia, and T-train

Meetup: Alexandria Tour & Release Walk Dry Run

On Sunday, March 13, ResQgeek led a bunch of BCinDC members on a walking tour of historic Old Town Alexandria. We saw many significant historic locations. Even those of us who live in the area saw and learned something new! We also visited the tree planted to honor ResQgeek’s daughter, Becky (it was nice to see it in the daylight). We walked past the restaurant, Bilbo Baggins. And, naturally, we released books along the way!

ResQgeek led the group and BookCrossers who took the tour were: crrcookie, FURBALL, Ixion, KateKintail, melydia, and nat4lee.

Meetup: Literary Museum Hopper Trial Run

On February 26, we staged our second trial run of the Literary Museum Hopper activity. This is a self-paced scavenger hunt through all the museums on the National Mall to find specific items of literary importance–just one of many activities that can be chosen during the 2011 BookCrossing Convention in April. We visited 11 museums in several hours, working out a few small bugs in the questions and directions here and there.

The activity was put together by KateKintail. BookCrossers who went hunting were: authorauthor & a visiting Flat Stanley, crrcookie & lilgrovers, Ixion, littlewhitebird & her husband, melydia, nat4lee, and ResQgeek.