Author Archive
2020 BCinDC Meetup Schedule
BCinDC meets the third weekend of the month, alternating between Virginia and Maryland and between Saturdays (odd months) and Sundays (even months) with special events taken into consideration.
Saturday, January 18: Rockville, MD
Sunday, February 16: Alexandria, VA (Becky’s Memorial Release Walk)
Saturday, March 21: CANCELLED
Sunday, April 26: Kensington, MD (Kensington Day of the Book Festival)
Saturday, May 16: Gaithersburg, MD (Gaithersburg Book Festival)
Sunday, June 21: VA TBA
Saturday, July 18: MD TBA
Sunday, August 16: VA TBA
Saturday, August 29: Washington, DC (National Book Festival; bonus meetup)
Saturday, September 19: MD TBA
Sunday, October 18: VA TBA
Saturday, November 7: Westminster, MD (MaryZee Memorial Meetup at Birdies Cafe)
Sunday, December 20: Alexandria, VA (TENTATIVE authorauthor’s house; Holiday Party)
To attend any of our events, please join our group: The group is where you’ll find information about each meeting such as time and specific location. We love meeting new book-loving friends, but please be aware that you will leave a BCinDC meeting with more books than you brought. Everyone does. We don’t understand how that happens! :-)
2019 BCinDC Meetup Schedule
BCinDC meets the third weekend of the month, alternating between Virginia and Maryland and between Saturdays (odd months) and Sundays (even months) with special events taken into consideration.
Saturday, January 19: Rockville, MD
Sunday, February 17: Alexandria, VA (Becky’s Memorial Release Walk)
Saturday, March 16: VA TBA
Sunday, April 28: Kensington, MD (Kensington Day of the Book Festival)
Saturday, May 18: Gaithersburg, MD (Gaithersburg Book Festival)
Sunday, June 16: Arlington, VA
Saturday, July 20: Rockville, MD
Sunday, August 18: Alexandria, VA
Saturday, August 31: Washington, DC (National Book Festival; bonus meetup)
Saturday, September 21: Rockville, MD
Sunday, October 20: Pentagon City (Arlington), VA
Saturday, November 2: Westminster, MD (MaryZee Memorial Meetup at Birdies Cafe)
Sunday, December 22: Alexandria, VA (TENTATIVE authorauthor’s house; Holiday Party)
To attend any of our events, please join our group: The group is where you’ll find information about each meeting such as time and specific location. We love meeting new book-loving friends, but please be aware that you will leave a BCinDC meeting with more books than you brought. Everyone does. We don’t understand how that happens! :-)
2018 BCinDC Meetup Schedule
BCinDC meets the third weekend of the month, alternating between Virginia and Maryland and between Saturdays (odd months) and Sundays (even months) with special events taken into consideration.
Saturday, January 20: Rockville, MD
Sunday, February 18: Alexandria, VA (Becky’s Memorial Release Walk)
Saturday, March 17: Springfield, VA (OBCZ at location)
Sunday, April 22: Kensington, MD (Kensington Day of the Book Festival)
Saturday, May 19: Gaithersburg, MD (Gaithersburg Book Festival)
Sunday, June 17: Fairfax, VA
Saturday, July 21: Wheaton/Silver Spring, MD
Sunday, August 19: Alexandria, VA
Saturday, September 1: Washington Convention Center, DC (National Book Festival)
Saturday, September 15: DC Zoo release walk (You’re Such an Animal Challenge)
Sunday, October 21: Alexandria, VA (FURBALL Halloween-themed release walk and ghost tour led by LastCavalier)
Saturday, November 3: Westminster, MD (MaryZee Memorial Meetup at Birdies Cafe)
Sunday, December 16: Alexandria, VA (authorauthor’s house; Holiday Party)
To attend any of our events, please join our Yahoo Group: The group is where you’ll find information about each meeting such as time and specific location. We love meeting new book-loving friends, but please be aware that you will leave a BCinDC meeting with more books than you brought. Everyone does. We don’t understand how that happens! :-)
Meetup: Old Post Office Pavilion
BookCrossers met on June 23, 2013 at the Old Post Office Pavilion for the monthly BCinDC meetup. Once we determined how to go around the Barbecue Battle and found the correct door to use to get inside, we swapped books, chatted, and ate at the food court. The Ben & Jerry’s especially seemed to call to us (as did the books). A few bookrings for books by authors at several conventions began as well.
Afterward, we took a trip up the tower to see the bells and the view of the city.
BookCrossers in attendance were: FURBALL, Ixion, KateKintail, krin511, nat4lee, SqueakyChu, 6of8. It was wonderful to meet 6of8’s good friend who happened to be in town and came to say hello.
Book Festival: Gaithersburg
On May 18, 2013, BCinDC had a great showing at the Gaithersburg Book Festival in Maryland. At our table, we gave away at least 1,750 books and–for the first time ever–the last few books on our table were taken home by a festival-goer, leaving the tables empty at the end of the day!
BookCrossers in attendance: crrcookie, FURBALL, Ixion, KateKintail, lilgrovers, melydia, MomOyster, Nat4Lee, ResQGeek, 6of8, and SqueakyChu. Derwoodsman also stopped by to say hello and drop off some books at the table.
After the festival, most of us headed to Zio’s for pizza, a tradition of ours.