Wacky Hair Dyeing Fundraiser Gets More Exciting!
You may have heard about the wacky scheme concocted by DiscoveryLover and the Convention Planning Team to dye their hair as our fund meter reaches certain percentages: http://tinyurl.com/bcindcdonate But why should the women have all the fun? A few of our beloved BookCrossing men have joined the challenge, and the levels are now as follows:
50% – DiscoveryLover dyes her hair one color
55% – k-j-h dyes his hair one color
60% – crrcookie dyes her hair one color
65% – ResQgeek dyes his hair one color
70% – KateKintail dyes her hair one color
75% – Skyring dyes his hair one color
80% – melydia dyes her hair one color
90% – 2 colors for the girls
95% – 2 colors for the guys
100% – 3 colors for EVERYONE!
If the meter jumps such that multiple people hit their hair dyeing percentage at the same time, we’ll hold a run-off vote, at the end of which, the current victim will dye his/her hair the color in the lead. Then, another day later, we’ll hold the next run-off vote. For example, if the meter jumps from 69% to 75% on Tuesday, we’ll hold a run-off vote for KateKintail on Thursday (running midnight-midnight EST), then a run-off vote for Skyring on Saturday. (Hint: the meter is going to jump soon!)
Best of all, you as a donor get to choose the colors we dye our hair. Want to see a red ResQgeek or maybe a pink Pete? Donate today!