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Auction Box: Books to Movies

Which version is better: the book or the movie? With this box, you can find out for yourself!

You get five books and the movies based on them. The books range from thrillers to classics to young adult novels. You’ll also get some movie theater-type snacks. That’s enough to give you lots of escape entertainment- curl up with a good book or pop in a DVD after a hard day. Or suggest your friends/family/book club read one of the books and then host a discussion & movie night! Every box comes with a few BookCrossing goodies as well.

The starting bid for this box is just $25 (that’s a great deal for for 5 books, 5 DVDs, and snacks). How much would you bid? Check out photos and more details here: Box #1: Books to Movies and submit your bid today. Bidding closes on June 6. Don’t miss out on the very first BCinDC Auction box.

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